Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 19

Tell about a favorite Uncle
Marsha: My uncle Reed Fairbanks (My Dad's sister's husband) was always a tease and loved to laugh, so he was fun to be around and would help up all have fun when we were at his house.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

On Hiatus

Sorry for those of you who have been checking back faithfully to see tomorrows question. I am away for a week and don't have access to a computer, or to the questions/answers. I forgot to bring the book with me. I'll start back up when I return this Sunday. Thanks for your patience.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 18

Tell about a favorite Aunt
Marsha: I always loved to go to Aunt Ramona's (Allenby -- my mother's sister). She and Lloyd were never able to have children and their home always seemed like the most beautiful place because there was never any "family clutter", and she loved pretty things, so she always had lovely furniture and accessories.

Day 17

Tell a fond memory of your Grandma
Marsha: "Little Grandma", Lucy Chamberlain Esplin, used to play the piano and sing. She loved the hymns of the church, but she also had some folk songs that she loved to sing. One was called "Little Yellow Gal".

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 16

Tell a fond memory of your Grandpa
Marsha: Grandpa and Grandma Esplin had a player piano and when I was really small I could hold on just below the keyboard and peddle with my feet to make it go. I thought I was very clever to be able to do that.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 15

Name the childhood addresses you remember.
Marsha: Route #1 Warsaw, Indiana. I lived on Route 30, which was, at the time, the only cross country route from East to West.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 14

Name the towns you lived in before you were 20
Marsha: I lived in Warsaw, Indiana until I went to college in Provo, Utah.